Stonebraker's Teaching & Learning Resources

My main line of work for most of my adult life has been teaching science and math at various levels. Below is a collection of worksheets, study guides, etc., that I've developed. Some of it's based pretty closely on the work of others but most of it is more or less original.

Most files are presented in PDF and OpenDocument formats (ODT, ODS, ODP, and ODG). I normally use OpenOffice, not MS Office. If you're interested in working with the editable files, see the format info at the bottom for details.

Lastly, note that these files are the work of me, Steve Stonebraker. I haven't put copyright notices or Creative Commons licenses inside the files themselves, so please read the licensing info at the bottom of the page before doing anything with them.

--Steve Stonebraker


High school level material:

College level material:

Notes on file formats:


Creative Commons License
These works by Steve Stonebraker are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at

Further, I grant to individual teachers and tutors the right to do the following without adhering to the "Attribution" or "ShareAlike" clauses of the Creative Commons license:

In plain language: the "spirit" of my licensing is that I want teachers and students to have unhindered access to my files for the direct purpose of teaching / learning. If a teacher wants to use my work with their students as-is or after tweaking, they can do so without needing to attribute me as the author or restate the license. However, if a teacher wants to distribute my work (as-is or tweaked) to any audiences beyond their own students, such as other teachers, then I do expect all of the Creative Commons clauses to be followed.

[Valid HTML 4.01!] This page hand-coded by Steve Stonebraker ( in HTML and PHP.
Last modified on 2015-June-25.